Neither nights nor dreams do I desire,
Your memories are all I’d ever require
Push me away and even sink me in despair
I’d not do anything else than just smile.
Come to think of it, it’s not your smile,
Neither your ever twinkling eyes
Nor that deserting short sunshine when you’re around
But … it’s just that it’s you and I.
No amount of cool breezes nor the wide blue skies
The cusp of crimson sun, the lisp of crescent moon
Depth of the silent oceans, or even endless time
Will just be enough for those golden smiles .
With all these in mind, how can I
even attempt to pretend that I can lie
When you ask, Is love all that have I
For all your priceless smiles.
And how do I tell all this in the short time
When you are with me, say whatever I might
You’ll still anyway leave in a short while
What else can I do other than look at you and smile.
For even If I have nothing of you as mine
I would still have all those smiles,
And all those memories of those eyes
And those I’ll keep as just mine and just mine.
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